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Mcqueen was supposed to be there for Ed smh Even if Mcqueen was prepared clearly Ed didnt ...

Bellagio April 1, 2020 8:40 pm

Mcqueen was supposed to be there for Ed smh Even if Mcqueen was prepared clearly Ed didnt know the magnitude on which this situation would land. Mcqueen said he was used to treatment like this. Ed was never gay before this. He never experienced anything like this before. I mean come on! For two days your phone was off and you aint charge it?! Talkin about “Oh did tou call me”?! Do better!

    KNS April 1, 2020 9:04 pm

    I agree, Ed has the right to be angry. A simple phone call would sufficed but he didn't even send a text. They've both said horrible things, taking it back and fixing that will take some work