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y’all hating for no reason when you haven’t even read what’s gonna happen after

lauralie March 30, 2020 4:05 pm

Y’all hating on the amnesia plot but Makino has always used typical shoujo cliche and remastered them in a good way. It’s true it’s kinda cliche but it is used for a certain purpose not just to create supplementary drama, i’m not gonna spoil what’s gonna happen after you can read these chapters on the translation group fb page anyway. And i really don’t understand why so many people are hating on the characters when it’s obvious everything happens for a specific reason in the manga not just to create unnecessary drama, if you pay really good attention you’d actually notice that Makino pays extra close attention to details.
When i read the comments i feel like we haven’t read the same story, this story is also extremely popular in japan and i think it’s justified.
