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RosaFeminista March 30, 2020 7:17 am

Since we live in a patriarchal society, femininity and women are considered inferior to masculinity and men. This has become to the point where women have internalized misogyny because of society. The female character has taken on a masculine role in her life to escape being perceived as weak and feminine. She herself finds femininity weak. That's why she makes fun of Yuza. As we all know, some gay men are mocked for their femininity because anything inherently female is weak. So by criticizing Yuzu for his femininity, Hiragi degrades herself as a woman because of a patriarchal society that told her that femininity and women are weak. Effeminate men are laughed at because they are perceived as women. And women are supposed to be weak and inferior which is sexist. So the mockery of gay men being effeminate encourages toxic masculinity and also goes back to the hatred of the female sex. Remember, women weren't the ones that decided men should always be strong and masculine. Men did that. I don't think a lot of people here get that point.

So many women take on a masculine role in order to escape being perceived as weak. It's unfortunate that this world has made so many of us girls feel so weak and inferior to the point where we adhere to patriarchal norms and criticize those who are feminine and female (even though I believe being feminine and female are immense strengths).

Icchan's just a dick and there's no changing that. Instead of being aware of the struggle that women have to face with this situation, he just decides to degrade her even more so as a woman. F*ck him. Hiragi wasn't right for how she treated Yuzu, but realistically, blame society for telling us that femininity is weak. Blame the patriarchy and the men that control it.
