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My boi Yunho didn't miss a MF beat figuring shit out between the three. Naru should spend ...

Ampk.95 March 27, 2020 11:53 pm

My boi Yunho didn't miss a MF beat figuring shit out between the three. Naru should spend more time with him, ngl.

Also, I love that Sora communicated that she wants a heads up when her bf comes over, but from her expressions I just think she's not really feeling the whole relationship with him so far(?) Maybe I'm wrong but I'm personally not feeling them together much either. There's just something off, almost like she wants a relationship, but not with him per say, at the same time.(?) (And I get that what I typed is somewhat the whole premise of the story, but yeah. I'm just getting an off feeling and I just want them to feel better and start doing things they want to do.
