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Ch41 spoilers

pippa March 27, 2020 3:17 pm

ch41 thoughts (spoilers ahead)
Honestly, I don't think NK asking SH to 'hold' him and crumpling the painting of IH was him finally 'letting go' of the teacher. To me, it was more of him realizing that SH was still very much capable of ruining his teacher if he were to test his anger. And so, carrying out his undying (and irrational) love for his teacher, like how a protagonist clutches a picture of their loved one before facing the monster, he asks SH to hold him in an attempt to divert SH's anger. Again, foolish loyalty because of a foolish heart.

NK's been in love with the teacher since he was young. At this point, no matter what wrong the teacher does to him, he'd do anything for the snake. (I've known actual people like this in real life)

I mean NK x SH scenes are always hot (even though they may lack consensus at times blegh) but I don't think this is THAT turning point in story yet. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

EDIT: Also, SH is very perceptive. He might humor NK for what he's asking (because the man's thirsty 24/7) but he'll for sure know why. Or at least know it's not really what he thinks it is. Or Jihwa will interrupt. idk.

    DoopDoop March 27, 2020 3:24 pm

    I wish you were wrong but I am afraid you might be right.
    NK doesn't seem to learn. He just doubles down. I thought he would have been, not out of love, able to see the teacher for who he really was when he didn't ask after NK while sick. Didn't bother to even lie and told him he was preoccupied with exams instead. And was so dismissive of NK's health and grave illness.

    NK keeping quiet about SH's convo with his bro was more out of instinct and kindness because he was affected by SH's reaction.

    When I saw that NK was still after Inhun all googly eyed, I was disturbed. My poor baby NK.

    MangaSanctuary March 27, 2020 3:24 pm

    I think it's just NK trying to drawn his sorrows away...

    irunirunio March 27, 2020 3:24 pm

    hmm but your thought implies that SH knows why NK is crying and from people's summeries out there NK didnt tell anything about his teacher... I personally hope and think it's because now SH seems the only one around, who somehow understands his urge for men and who doesn't think he's dirty or sick etc. So its probably for comfort but who knows...

    DoopDoop March 27, 2020 4:19 pm
    I think it's just NK trying to drawn his sorrows away... MangaSanctuary

    I hope so but NK always destroys my hopes.

    Maybe Inhun escalate his abuse enough to smack NK into reality this time around (SH abused him sexually and IN abused him mentally) but NK keeps stubbornly holding fast. Maybe in my mind, seeing how NK keeps going back to Inhun, it is too soon for NK to let go enough to turn to SH. Also there are very real fears and hurts from his experiences with SH that would block this advancement further.

    I think he wants to use SH just to forget (even if for a moment - NK is very impulsive and outward with his feelings) since Inhun called him a whore. What does NK have to lose when the person he loves already sees him in the worst light?

    Something about NK also churning out so many paintings when he had a hard time drawing just one is off.

    Is it that he doesn't care anymore (as in depressed)? or does he thinks he will be free to leave if he gives SH all these paintings?

    They don't exude eroticism like the ones created before.

    And if SH notices the one that NK had been painting when SH entered the room, he will not be happy. I don't think he wants to remember that moment and even SH would not find that scene erotic.

    DoopDoop March 27, 2020 4:26 pm
    ......hmm but your thought implies that SH knows why NK is crying and from people's summeries out there NK didnt tell anything about his teacher... I personally hope and think it's because now SH seems the only... irunirunio

    I think NK is seeking comfort right now (maybe).
    He feels low about himself thanks to Sir Creep.
    But SH is very attuned to NK. He usually doesn't need NK to tell him (he wants NK to tell him how he feels, which is different) what is going on, because after a bit of digging he figures it out. If he detects anything like heartbreak, or NK feeling bad about himself, he will know Inhun is responsible.

    MangaSanctuary March 27, 2020 4:33 pm
    I hope so but NK always destroys my hopes.Maybe Inhun escalate his abuse enough to smack NK into reality this time around (SH abused him sexually and IN abused him mentally) but NK keeps stubbornly holding fast... DoopDoop

    Interesting. I will reply later after dinner :)
    Thank you.

    MangaSanctuary March 27, 2020 4:35 pm

    I will reply on my thread.

    DoopDoop March 27, 2020 4:43 pm
    Interesting. I will reply later after dinner :)Thank you. MangaSanctuary

    Looking forward to it.