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I have so many feelings. I'll admit that the translation is a little wack, but it gets the...

Ampk.95 March 25, 2020 3:42 am

I have so many feelings. I'll admit that the translation is a little wack, but it gets the message across and I'm feeling so many things. I love Somi. Sungjoon I feel for and Naru...I just want to hug him. He needs. Love this story so much rn T^T

    Ampk.95 March 25, 2020 5:57 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! mymymy2307

    Dudes, that is absolutely fine! Just know I appreciate the work and effort. I mean you guys translate stories, and yoi translated this one which makes me appreciate it.

    It's all good. Keep up the good work!