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Someone please make me understand!

Dice March 24, 2020 5:03 am

Did I get it right???, I mean now that Reliana(original) is in Beatrice body known as extra and bestfriend of the real Beatrice,then one of them must die for other one to live. Does that explain that the real Reliana of the story is jelous of her bestfriend Beatrice(original) so she use magic to get someone else happiness. Where is the real Beatrice? Then... How about Vivian? Wait! Is she even the real Vivian now!! Ahhh! I doubt it

    risea March 27, 2020 11:05 pm

    MC was suppose to be original Beatrice, but original Raeliana did some black magic soul swapping thing, so MC became Raeliana instead. Of course she doesn't know that she's OG Beatrice, and it seems the body swap doesn't really change her fate, cuz she's still living according to how OG Beatrice ended up living.

    Dice March 28, 2020 2:37 am

    I see, so what happen is when the magic still ongoing Beatrice(original) soul travel to 20th century world but somehow died and came back to her real world ,then the magic of Reliana(stupid original that I hate) finaly a success. But because their fate still the same even though they have different body now, so Beatrice (fake) decided to kill Reliana(original beatrice). I see, if the fate of Beatrice(fake) in original story was to die then she must make sure that her fate before that happen.... Ahhh!!! thanks for explaining>>risea now I also understand why our MC have some memory about the 20th century world.. Nice twist..

    Dice March 28, 2020 2:39 am
    MC was suppose to be original Beatrice, but original Raeliana did some black magic soul swapping thing, so MC became Raeliana instead. Of course she doesn't know that she's OG Beatrice, and it seems the body sw... risea

    Do you know where to find to novel? Or is their a novel. Thankieee!!