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Low-key I cant hate Sungjoon

Blue_psycho312 March 24, 2020 2:43 am

Somehow I can't find myself hating Sungjoon, no matter how frustrating he is. And no, it's not just because I really want the gay ship to sail (tho I do). Despite what He's doing probably isn't the best approach, he just wants Naru to himself... But he can't. And I feel that. It's relatable, hence why I can't find myself to hate him. Because love can make you do stupid shit and make you stubborn- it's even worse when it's someone you can't blatantly like. He has 2 things going for him that could ruin his relationship with Naru (him being gay and being his best friend), and he doesn't want to hurt Naru by forcing his feelings on him, so he keeps it to himself but he still doesn't want him to be taken away. AHHH I LOVE HIMMMM HE'S SO RELATABLE I WANNA HUG HIM. U POOR SOUL

    Nawuyang March 24, 2020 1:56 pm

    This is so deep
    I don't know why

    Jeulgeoum101 March 25, 2020 2:10 am

    IKR like hes not a bad guy he is just so desperate ughhh i love him so much and want to give him a hug and tell him everything is gonna be alright