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Still only halfway through the comic. I normally don't like omegaverse, but I'm enjoying t...

Lesa March 23, 2020 1:12 pm

Still only halfway through the comic. I normally don't like omegaverse, but I'm enjoying this one so much. Even better than the author's An Easy Target, that one was crap.

    mouuze March 25, 2020 4:36 pm

    this one is worth the read, I love it ya I just went through easy target and was not impressed glad I read love shuttle first

    Tmsmyaoi March 26, 2020 4:11 pm
    this one is worth the read, I love it ya I just went through easy target and was not impressed glad I read love shuttle first mouuze

    Unfortunately, I did the opposite. -.-;
    Easy target was awful.
    But on the 180 I love “love shuttle”
    It is just I would not be has hesitate with each chapter in love shuffle, if I read it first

    Luv Kogui March 27, 2020 4:42 pm
    Unfortunately, I did the opposite. -.-; Easy target was awful. But on the 180 I love “love shuttle” It is just I would not be has hesitate with each chapter in love shuffle, if I read it first Tmsmyaoi

    I did the same. I almost didn't read Love Shuttle because of how much I disliked Easy Target. I'm sure some people liked it, but it was not for me. However, I love "Love Shuttle"!! I remember thinking I'd only read the first chapter to see how it was and I ended up staying up reading all the chapters that had been uploaded. I'm so excited for season 2 > <

    mouuze March 27, 2020 7:31 pm
    I did the same. I almost didn't read Love Shuttle because of how much I disliked Easy Target. I'm sure some people liked it, but it was not for me. However, I love "Love Shuttle"!! I remember thinking I'd only ... Luv Kogui

    me too .. I wanna know if doyun got pregnant lol

    cactus_head March 28, 2020 11:51 am

    Can I give you a suggestion? Read Megumi and Tsugumi. It isn't complete yet but trust me (=・ω・=)

    mouuze March 28, 2020 11:54 am
    Can I give you a suggestion? Read Megumi and Tsugumi. It isn't complete yet but trust me (=・ω・=) cactus_head

    ya I love that one too... They are such a silly couple too it was a fun read

    mouuze March 28, 2020 12:06 pm
    ya I love that one too... They are such a silly couple too it was a fun read mouuze

    Abarenbo Honey is another one very similar to megumi and tsugumi

    cactus_head March 28, 2020 1:26 pm
    Abarenbo Honey is another one very similar to megumi and tsugumi mouuze

    Yeah, it seems so. But I'm not so into that art style. I like complete art, you know without much doodling. I've turned down lot of good rated manga because of that, it's kinda silly ( ̄∇ ̄")