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I took a break for awhile in reading this manga because I was frustrated lol. Anyway. Wel...

Alexushi94 March 23, 2020 10:19 am

I took a break for awhile in reading this manga because I was frustrated lol. Anyway.

Well, I kinda understand the sister tho. And kinda understand the circumstances behind the suicidebut you know as an older sibling you could have tried to talk to your lil sister first or something? Well okay I'll give it to her since she was being emotional or something. And the female mc could have done the same thing? Well, she was about to do that but hiroto just turned dark and told her harsh things that made her plummet to depression so yeah he could have allowed the female mc to just go after the sister and try to sort things out.

How could these people actually have this time-altering power and not even be able to resolve their problems like that? I mean maybe for the next one to have keys maybe they should list down what ideal future they would all like to see. Like hiroto and the sis together, female mc and male mc together etc. Then go back even further back in time to influence events before that. Meaning the male mc should be more proactive in pursuing the female mc giving time to develop their relationship a year prior to the events. And after their relationship is ripe, the female mc should introduce the sis to hiroto and bam all problems solved (albeit with some butterfly effects here and there).
Lol. But yeah. To be honest this is getting frustrating.

Update: I made this comment before ch 33 was out. Lol. It came out almost the same day. Anyway, as I thought. The only way to fix eveything if first by destroying all keys, then going further back in the past and ensure that everyone gets their happy ending. Okay i get that the mc needs to be the one to do this so she could develop as a person but to be honest rhsi back and forth thingy with the narrative is a bit tiring lol. Anyway it seems this is the last one anyway.

To be honest, I was at first shipping hana and shirota hahaha. Because I kinda don't like the mc. But of course it won't happen.
