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I hope melon turns into a goodie (*wagging tail*)

Flower March 16, 2020 7:30 pm

I hope melon turns into a goodie (*wagging tail*)

    Rie Smith March 16, 2020 10:01 pm

    Agreed :3
    *tail wagging intensifies*

    tikitiki March 17, 2020 5:37 pm

    yeah but he still has to go to prison. He's definitly a mass murderer, plus he wants to EAT Haru

    Flower March 17, 2020 6:40 pm
    yeah but he still has to go to prison. He's definitly a mass murderer, plus he wants to EAT Haru tikitiki

    Yes, he HAS to go to prison. But as for eating Haru, IDK. I mean he SAVED Legosi

    tikitiki March 17, 2020 7:02 pm
    Yes, he HAS to go to prison. But as for eating Haru, IDK. I mean he SAVED Legosi Flower

    uuhhhh that doesnt mean he wont try to eat haru! Legosi has a special ability to form a kind of bond with like, anyone. While it would be nice if Melon decided not to eat Haru for Legosi, we must remember that Melon has never felt the desire to eat another animal. And desire is the only thing he really seeks. If anything they may come to an understanding, and then Haru appears and Legosi end up having to kill Melon. tragic

    Flower March 18, 2020 10:00 pm
    uuhhhh that doesnt mean he wont try to eat haru! Legosi has a special ability to form a kind of bond with like, anyone. While it would be nice if Melon decided not to eat Haru for Legosi, we must remember that ... tikitiki

    Ughh!! I just don't know! The manga doesn't focus on only happy endings or tragic endings it's a mix, so there's no telling on what's going to happen. But, if Legosi and Melon come to an understanding, Melon might not kill Haru because he can control his urge to kill and if an understanding is made he might even resist the urge to eat Haru, and actually find something else that he can taste. However if Melon doesn't resist the urge to eat Haru, he'll be killed by either Legosi or Louis. In fact I think the one who's most likely to kill Melon is Louis, because Melon has been treating the Shishigumi like shi*, either way, I'm sure the author has something great in mind (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    tikitiki March 19, 2020 4:00 am
    Ughh!! I just don't know! The manga doesn't focus on only happy endings or tragic endings it's a mix, so there's no telling on what's going to happen. But, if Legosi and Melon come to an understanding, Melon mi... Flower

    yes! cannot wait for the next few updates I hope you're right and im wrong. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭