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Hi, I’m looking for a manga i read a long time ago but I can’t remember the name of i...

Danny March 8, 2020 8:30 pm

Hi, I’m looking for a manga i read a long time ago but I can’t remember the name of it , or the story of it that well . It’s about a uke that works in a company ( I think ) and he meet the seme and they kinda develop a relationship and the uke think the seme likes so goes to his and wait for him there , but when the seme shows up he has another boy with him , and the boy asks the seme “who is that” , And the seme says something dismissive Of the uke and walks away with a other boy , the uke gets hurt and transfer to another company, but later the seme regret it and starts looking for the uke to get him back , and when he finds him he apologizes to him , and try’s to win him back . I’m sorry this is all over the place , but these are the only parts I remember of the manga.
