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This is a 2nd chance novel so everyone gets a fair shake at a second chance BECAUSE THEY ...

MysticMad March 8, 2020 3:26 am

This is a 2nd chance novel so everyone gets a fair shake at a second chance BECAUSE THEY AREN"T THE SAME PEOPLE FROM THE FIRST TIME LINE. If they are an ass in the current one that is a different story and as much as ya'll want to rag on prince 2.0 he legit hasn't done anything for the most part. Except triggering Tia but that due to Douchebag prince 1.0 actions which can't be helped

Now if the 2.0 was the same as 1.0 and was super shitty to her then yeah I agree with some of yall but nah that aint the case. If you guys want to drop thats your bussiness and I'm not gonna stop you but at this point in the story using 1.0 as an excuse for why is a bit silly, just say you hate the ship pure and simple.
