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Kim March 6, 2020 3:51 pm

I personally actually like this manga it's different because the MC is selfish. She literally represents what most of us in reality like to run from. People call her selfish, bitch, etc. Not many are acknowledging the fact if you were in her shoes for than likely you would take that chance. The sister is sweet loving and caring. Regardless if the MC had stepped in or not the relationship would have been done. This development for the MC character wise is pretty cool. It's not like every shoujo manga out their. She held in her feelings for so long she never planned to tell him at first. When displayed the chance it was kinda like the forbidden fruit. Temptation is another word for it. She was selfish enough to turn time back and take the chance to confess hell she even planned to break up with him if nothing happened. Another thing I liked was everyone's priorities were shown as clear as day. What they wanted and who they wanted even if the character may not have known. As much as people are shitting on the MC I wouldn't want the storyline to be any different. In all honesty I would rather learn to be selfish than be timid and have regrets.

    SilverTiger March 14, 2020 4:51 am

    Now this is an underrated and underappreciated comment. It's human nature to be selfish, fall for temptations, to be jealous, envious, etc. When presented with a story that so blatantly features such realistic human nature, it's like people are not willing to accept it. Their eyes have been blinded, so to speak, by what they believe would happen if they were in Miyako's position.

    But how much of what they think would happen actually occur? Not much. Because, as you said, most people would take the chance of going back and fixing their mistakes and or getting rid of regrets rather than living the rest of their lives out with those regrets and mistakes boiling away in the back of their minds. So many times we think to ourselves, "I wish I hadn't said that", "I should have said it better", "I wish I had told him/her", and so on.

    Anyway, I actually find this story refreshing because it is tragic, psychological, and it features the core of human nature, yet it has its soft and sweet moments. It's so different from the typical shoujo manga that has a ditzy female lead and a tall, athletic main lead.

    Kim April 8, 2020 8:40 pm
    Now this is an underrated and underappreciated comment. It's human nature to be selfish, fall for temptations, to be jealous, envious, etc. When presented with a story that so blatantly features such realistic ... SilverTiger

    Couldn't agree more SilverTiger!

    Lynne-dono July 18, 2020 7:59 am
    Now this is an underrated and underappreciated comment. It's human nature to be selfish, fall for temptations, to be jealous, envious, etc. When presented with a story that so blatantly features such realistic ... SilverTiger

    Definitely agree! I didn't dislike the FL a lot, after seeing why future Hiroto seemed to hate the FL etc , I finally came to a conclusion that no one is to be blamed in the story, and I definitely felt that this was a relation to what is happening irl anyways, many say that they won't do what FL did in the story when she traveled back in time, but I think I would or have thought something like that which is why I felt I didn't hate her