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Hyun is a baby too

taks24 March 5, 2020 8:11 pm

Seeing all the comments made me want to say something.
Honestly, Hyun already piqued my interest since first season. Actually, I'm waiting for him to appear. Cos I wanna know his character. Though I low key thought that he was some guy who used Jung or something (lol sorry to much manga). One sided thingy. But then when things starting to unravel:
-Like Yoon has a thing for Hyun.
-Then there's this past about Hyun and Jung that if you think of might be mutual. But since one is afraid/got disgusted by himself while the other is an idi*t about his own feelings, it didn't work out. Talk about timing lol they're really not meant to be.
But for me this made it more interesting and want Hyun too. His character, talk about consistensy, is very awkward. So to put balance Yoon is there. The cause of misunderstanding is all over the place and his character is bad at expressing his self(he's more or like nasty) so at some point I can't unlike him.

So sorry guys if for Hyun me is a baby too.
