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Yourgene? Mygene? Hisgene? Hergene? Ourgene? Theirgene?

PetitFae March 5, 2020 6:48 am

I just cannot with his username! What the hell? *taps mic* Another player has entered the arena!
Anyway this whole chapter was so wholesome and sweet I got a cavity. Course we have the obligatory foreshadowing at the end, because we all saw that coming a mile away when Eugene introduced.
Eugene, I'm gonna level with you here. I know you were having a hard time because you had to deal with a bigoted family member getting in the way of you having a relationship with the guy you like. Trust me, being a queerdo myself I am no stranger to that. However time has moved on. So you should too. I know it hurts, and sucks total butt. So it may take some time to find peace. I really am hoping you have a support network to help you. I hope you find someone who will make you happy and loved.
Well, that being said...... don't cha cha slide your way into a budding romantic relationship just to get the guy you want.... or you're gonna catch these hands.
