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it was cute but why is it a oneshot could have been more at least make it a 2 chapters or ...

Nai Luv3 Yaoi May 3, 2014 2:09 pm

it was cute but why is it a oneshot could have been more at least make it a 2 chapters or more plus this page
what did he meant by zai being his truth and he is not quite there so confusing but the last page was quite cute and romantic because of that one sentence love this it remind me of another yaoi manga that has the opposite ending of this where it is sad as his lover died and they promised to stay together with the lover's daughter, Ivy after the war he found out that his lover was killed in a gunfight he resigned and went to become Ivy's current father and whenever there was a firework he would be reminded of his lover getting shot at it made me cry whenever I think about it plus Ivy didn't know about her real father being dead at all the current father plan on telling her when she is older she seems like at least 9-14(couldn't see the face) at the end so how old must she be to know about that event 20 at least? pls tell me that manga name as I can't remember I know it is related to someone call colonel rosen-somethig
