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Concerned whether I'm an ass or not

BlueRaven February 29, 2020 7:43 pm

When I was reading ch 30 to 34, I kept thinking about how obedient, docile, and pure the MC is and started getting annoyed.
( ̄∇ ̄")
She reminds me too much of small and cute animal and I want to root for her but at the same time I get so annoyed sometimes. Why?!

Help, am I the only one like this?

    Yeeeee February 29, 2020 8:10 pm

    It took me 5 chapters to figure out but its her lack of character depth. Like, she’s a sweet nice kind whatever blablabla girl who likes medicine and her life sucks kinda but not really. I like the MCs from I Chose The Emperor Ending and The Albert Daughter Wishes for Ruin since they have personalities and actively move the plot with their actions. Could be worse though, she could be the MC from Savior of the Villian (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    BlueRaven March 1, 2020 2:35 pm
    It took me 5 chapters to figure out but its her lack of character depth. Like, she’s a sweet nice kind whatever blablabla girl who likes medicine and her life sucks kinda but not really. I like the MCs from I... @Yeeeee

    You right!