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I never wanted a character's death so badly...

PetitFae February 29, 2020 11:50 am

Fuck you Jayce!! As an older sibling, I know how it feels to want to protect younger siblings. It's so pathetic and ridiculous how Jayce held onto his unreasonable hatred for so long. Like does he not have a life?! I would say he's a parasite but that would be an insult to parasites. We're gonna need to throw the whole character out. There is no redeeming qualities in that bitch. He's not worth saving.

I am genuinely confused as to what happened between Aiden and Daniel. It's clear that Daniel cares about Aiden. Maybe there was so horrible misunderstanding. I am actually more interested in that...but let's be real...we all want to see Jayce be put in his place. I am actually going to make popcorn for the event because shit is about to go down.
