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This gave me a migraine!

PetitFae February 25, 2020 7:49 am

[Warning: I tend to write a lot.]

Carter, you're an asshole! How about you listen and stop coming to conclusions on your own? Stop leading four men on and just come out with how you feel!
He clearly is biased towards Zac. He isn't giving Charles or Julian the time of day. Honestly Charles was a bit desperate at first but I don't think he's an evil man or anything. And I mean COME ON! He asked him a million times if it was okay to have sex, and fucking Carter assured him it was okay. He wasn't going to regret it and even if he did, it was HIS DECISION. His bitch ass wakes up the next day and has no memory of what happened because drunk sex always a bad decision. In his head, I'm sure that he painted Charles as an assailant. He wasn't. You asked for it quite literally Carter. I honestly am pretty pissed at how Charles is brushed off like that.
There is not much backstory with Julian. Okay, Julian wanted to live with Carter and was asking Carter to give him his answer. It's not that hard to come up with a decision. This is not rocket science! There are two choices: yes or no. Pick one Carter and stop making your partner insecure about your relationship. Why couldn't you just be honest with him and tell him how you feel? Why do you need more time to think about it? If you really need to think about, it most likely means you don't want it. We later hear that apparently Julian was entitled and arrogant, but there are no flashbacks of him being a dickbag. He is one now though and should have a restraining order put against him. He's giving me creepy vibes.
Now that I've read this far, I feel like I have to see it to the end. It's not on my priority list, but I really need to see who Carter decides to be with. Most people are saying Charles. At this point in the story, it looks like it's Zac, but who the hell knows at this point?! Carter can't make up his fucking mind! He is just saying and doing things in the heat of the moment without fully thinking them through. Pretty selfish.
This is quite literally a messy ass soap opera of story and I need a Relpax if I'm gonna be continuing to read this.
