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I'm not familiar with this series so a few questions. The uke has a one-sided crush with t...

yaoi lover April 30, 2014 9:17 pm

I'm not familiar with this series so a few questions. The uke has a one-sided crush with the seme of Kare Ja Nai Kedo, right?
Does the seme of this series appear (like a third wheel) somewhere before?
And what the deal with the uke's brother? Did he appear before somewhere? Why did he (seem to) hate the uke so much?

    yaoi freaky April 30, 2014 9:33 pm

    yup akagi is the third wheel (kinda) between mikado and towa in the warui koto series

    Gestolpert April 30, 2014 9:36 pm

    -Maybe, since the uke only know the seme of Kare Ja Nai Kedo in the school and he helped him a lot
    -Yes here
    -The brother is a new character, so he didn't appear somewhere before
    -We don't know the reason why his brother hates the uke so much yet but we're gonna find out later. But I think the brother hates the uke because he didn't want to admit that he loves the uke

    Meirin April 30, 2014 9:36 pm

    for the uke's brother we don't really know why he hate him because he didn't appear before.
    But I think the little brother loves the uke, when he was with his girlfriend he tried to make the uke jealous.
    well it's only what I thought.
    (and sorry for my english ^^')

    yaoi lover April 30, 2014 10:47 pm

    Thank you all. Im rooting for the brother but the cover says it all.

    @Gestolpert May 1, 2014 11:19 am

    I agree with your 1st and 4th point. It's just that it's kinda sad to know Kosaka's background story, at first I don't like him because he is in the way between Shinonome and Yukimura but now I understand that Shinonome is like a savior(great help) to him so he can learn to socialize with others. Poor Kosaka with his situation at home T_T

    Lauren silva April 23, 2020 4:54 pm
    I agree with your 1st and 4th point. It's just that it's kinda sad to know Kosaka's background story, at first I don't like him because he is in the way between Shinonome and Yukimura but now I understand that ... @@Gestolpert

    What's wrong with your keyboard. I don't understand what you're trying to say.