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Annabananababy February 20, 2020 7:10 am

Honestly the mother is a bitch. Straight up. And there’s no other way to describe her. In fact you could barely call her a mother. She treats Rowa as a business tool, only as a prospective replacement for her position as the company leader or whatever. So far, she doesn’t acknowledge or even listen to a single thing that her daughter says, not even her husband, or family elders. It’s a miracle that people have put up with her, and she somehow got married? What exactly did her husband see in her that makes him think “I want this woman to be the mother to my children.” Clearly she doesn’t give a shit about Rowa’s feelings at all. If I were in Rowa’s position, I’d probably want to quickly grow up (somehow avoiding the mother and her stupid plans) and just go do my own thing and completely cut her off from my life. And yes, I would also say that her actions are actually pretty abusive.

On a side note I hope that minwoo and rowa could just get back together already. And I’m glad rowa still turned out strong despite the terrible bullying. (I have a feeling if minwoo and rowa were to get together, her god awful mom will strongly oppose it and blackmail them or some shit). Or the moms gonna find out about minwoo and somehow use him to force Rowa back to the US.
