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super disappointed with this comment section tbh

bibachoro-ok February 16, 2020 10:06 pm

wow...........................yall really acting like Rio consenting to A DIFFERENT GUY (fujishima), while clearly inebriated beyond a point of trust, makes her the devil incarnate, and Hikaru is but a mere Poor Blueballed Angel Who Deserves Better Than This Slutty Slut Bitch. dude's been taking advantage of her lack of social sense from the start. he's not some kind of monster, but he's a dick and what he deserves is to realize that he's way too full of himself and hasn't been respecting Rio's own choices.

yall also expecting way too much social skillz from a late-blooming until-very-recently-virgin who has never even had a crush before, nor known of anyone who's crushed on her. you'd think readers of smutty josei on would be able to understand that a bit better than this.
hope you people are never in a position where someone who has been touched without conscious consent relies on you for support. "it was actually her fault for putting herself in this situation" grab your victim-blaming ass by the pants and sit it back fucking down.

especially the ppl calling her a pervert and a bitch. if you don't like a woman liking sex, stop reading R18 josei manga of all things!

    Ugly Bastard Indonesia February 17, 2020 2:18 pm

    People like you is the one who is proud when a woman can be perverted and being nasty to guys while putting all the blame to the men, double standard at its finest