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Friendly reminder

2seung February 7, 2020 10:28 am

I know people are always ragging on Seungtaek and he has done wrong, but I want to highlight that Seungtaek was generous to Inbeom before he lost it. Imagine comforting someone and the next day, you become the target of their bullying. When Inbeom cried about his parents, Seungtaek lied to save him face. After that, Inbeom mocked and bullied him for no comprehensible reason (to Seungtaek). Seungtaek knew Inbeom cried and would be so humiliated if everyone knew, but not once did Seungtaek reveal this as retribution. Seungtaek tried his best to ignore him, and one day, he couldn't take it anymore and turned violent.

Seungtaek has done bad things, but you guys need to acknowledge that he's a victim too. He was sexually violated and bullied by Inbeom. Just because he doesn't fit your idea of a victim -- he's physically and mentally strong -- doesn't mean that he ISN'T a victim of Inbeom's physical AND sexual harrassment. And just because Inbeom has had a change of heart, it DOESN'T undo the horrible things he's done to Seungtaek. You can love a character and acknowledge that he's done bad things.

    2seung February 7, 2020 10:26 am

    A list of shitty things Inbeom has done that I acknowledge even though he's my favourite character (and everyone should too):

    - Continuously mocked and harrassed Seungtaek for no reason
    - Terrorised other children too
    - Ordered Kyubin around because he "saved" his life by asking Kyubin to miss the family outing (that led to the car accident), even though Kyubin was going through a hard time as his whole family died
    - Beat Seungtaek with a helmet till he passed out
    - Sexually abused Seungtaek by kissing him while he was unconscious (idk why people keep glossing over this when you'd be livid if some stranger did this to you in real life)
    - Beat up his FRIEND, Kyubin, for being close to Seungtaek
    - Stole someone's phone to blackmail him into bringing Seungtaek to him
    - Beat Seungtaek with a helmet till his ear bled and he was on his knees
    - Sexually abused Seungtaek a second time by forcefully kissing him
    - Stole Suhyeok's money and uniform + other things

    The author did a fantastic job in portraying the characters, and it's a shame people see them in such black and white. It hurts to see that Inbeom suffered so much, but a lot of it was due to his own actions which unfortunately was shaped by his childhood. It's the same for Seungtaek, who lived under controlling parents.