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Ellyyy February 6, 2020 6:31 pm

Her father's love is toxic as hell tbh. She's an adult now of course she'll want to explore the world and experience things. How is wanting to have your own life in your hands selfish?? People call her ungrateful for wanting freedom, I wanna see what those people would do if their own parents shut them out from the rest of the world lmao. The emperor is hot and all but yea ppl with a shitty personality are ugly in my eyes.

    dumbling February 8, 2020 2:22 pm

    Awwn chill bruh. U donknow how a possessive mind of "a have all things" Cateil works

    Ellyyy February 9, 2020 12:46 am
    Awwn chill bruh. U donknow how a possessive mind of "a have all things" Cateil works dumbling

    Just judging based on what I'm seeing lol. He sees her as his property. Yea I get it she's the only thing he loves which is why it's hard for him to let her go but he needs to realize that she's also a human being and not his toy lmao. He's keeping her locked away out of selfishness. She's a grown ass woman who has the right to live her own life

    dumbling February 9, 2020 3:15 am
    Just judging based on what I'm seeing lol. He sees her as his property. Yea I get it she's the only thing he loves which is why it's hard for him to let her go but he needs to realize that she's also a human be... Ellyyy

    Ofcourse she is, but author maybe also reader(?) like how this storyline works lol ( ̄∇ ̄")