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I ship Jihan and Jaeun, but Jihan definitely went overboard. Jaeun made a lot of mistakes ...

2seung February 6, 2020 12:59 pm

I ship Jihan and Jaeun, but Jihan definitely went overboard. Jaeun made a lot of mistakes and it's completely understandable that Jihan is insecure. But when your partner makes you feel insecure, you don't chain him down. You leave, because you know things won't work out in the long run and you (and your partner) deserve better.

Let me give you an example. You have to work with your ex-boyfriend of 7 years, whom you would have married if he didn't have to move to another country for work. You guys always have to work late and he constantly sends you home. Your current boyfriend might be insecure, but it doesn't give him the right to lock you at home or demand you to do things. Your current boyfriend should leave you instead if he feels that this insecurity is too much for him to deal with.

I would have preferred it if Jihan let go of Jaeun willingly and went on to have some growth about how he abused Jaeun and put him through what Jaeun feared most. This space would also give Jaeun time to better understand his partner. Jaeun didn't mean to be harmful but he doesn't understand the insecurity Jihan faces that's very substantial. That's why he keeps making mistakes---lying about things he shouldn't, not bringing his boyfriend when he's going over to meet his soulmate.

Relationships are about communication and understanding, people!
