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Looking for a bl

Daddy spaghett February 4, 2020 8:25 am

Here is what I remember

The guys were friend and the uke had a crush on the seme since they were young

The seme was mean because he thought the uke was onl nice because of the seme mom being manipulative

At one point the mom tries to stab the seme

The uke goes to the nurses office at one point and has a whole flashback.

At first the uke remembers bad stuff but later on he remembers the good stuff. The uke had blonde hair I think and they get together in the story later when the uke goes to school somewhere else. It’s hard for me to remember what it was called. It was a pretty long story with I think over 50 chapters. And the uke also loses feelings for a bit when he moves and the seme realizes his feelings.

Plz help me find it ;-;

    Daddy spaghett February 4, 2020 8:29 am

    Tried to stab the seme with scissors<< :)

    Tsukiya February 4, 2020 8:34 am
    Daddy spaghett February 4, 2020 8:36 am is this it Tsukiya

    No it’s not, I found it though! Thank you ( you writing cosmic made me think of the title which is my starry sky lol)

    yuq February 4, 2020 8:36 am

    You might be talking about this?

    Daddy spaghett February 4, 2020 8:37 am is this it Tsukiya

    Oh wait I just looked at the title of the url so I thought it was different but it’s the same thing? I didn’t know it’s other title was Cosmic boy. Sorry for the confusion xd it is that link

    Tsukiya February 4, 2020 8:38 am
    No it’s not, I found it though! Thank you ( you writing cosmic made me think of the title which is my starry sky lol) Daddy spaghett

    Hahaha it is the starry sky. If u click the link, it will go straight to my starry sky. I was kinda shocked bc i just discovered that the link name is cosmic boy and not my starry sky hahahha