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I don't even care about whom Athy ends up with, just give her back her daddy ; A ; And I...

bibachoro-ok February 3, 2020 2:45 pm

I don't even care about whom Athy ends up with, just give her back her daddy
; A ;

And I know we're all grinding our teeth waiting for Lucas to get back and fix things, but also - Claude should be better than this. Come on, man, you know you miss her, even if you don't know why - GO LOOK FOR HER ALREADY! Praying that the maid tells him she was in the palace and motivates him to go find her, finally.

    LeenAnanz February 3, 2020 4:11 pm

    YESS I THINK THE SAME! Tbh now that I think of it, how nice would it be if Claud managed on his own without Lucas's magic. I'd also enjoy his dumbfounded reaction when he returns to aaaall the conflicts he missed XD

    I mean I understand it's hard for Claud, he's in denial, he already has mental issues and is cold, he is wounded deeply, on top of all that he had lost 9 years worth of memories and refuses to believe he did stuff he never would've done before. But it's still apparent how much he loves her. I really want Claud to overcome this on his own.