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There are more tumblrtards by the day in this fandom....

Mici Angels January 24, 2020 1:34 pm

Can't take a bloody joke or some lighthearted xuexiao ya shites, now we have this:

Last night the translator for Dispair also dropped their work after people send death threats for 'promoting rape' manhua on twitter (as if that's a first one on this site). And now the manhua of my favourite novel got dropped on my favourite arc because people got mad over a joke? Really? This shite is literally for free, the whole novel got translated for free and it IS a good translation. I can't tell you people how many shitty translations there are on novelupdates, this isn't one of them.
But yeah, we got what we deserved, the whole lot of us.

    Siti January 24, 2020 2:59 pm

    Ikr! The audacity of some people. They think they act "righteous" when all they're doing are bullying REAL people over some FICTIONAL ships. Now I hope EXR doesn't delete the novel translation too.

    Mici Angels January 24, 2020 6:44 pm
    Ikr! The audacity of some people. They think they act "righteous" when all they're doing are bullying REAL people over some FICTIONAL ships. Now I hope EXR doesn't delete the novel translation too. Siti

    Shittte I hope they don't. It's my favourite translation group by far, I love their comments at the end of each chapter. The little bit with xuexiao really reminded me of the novel (tho I hate it now since it caused this mess).
    I actually find this situation kinda similar to WWX's. He did selfless things only to be scorned by the 'righteous' cultivators, who were the ones who actually did evil.