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Idiot Parents

Unbindingcorgi January 22, 2020 5:17 pm

Why is it that the kids in webtoons are almost always caretakers of their own parents?! Is it just that the authors haven't been around 5-6 year olds that much, Asian kids just grow up that fast, or are the 5-6 year olds that I know just slow?! And do parents really feel fine leaving their children alone at night? Or for days on end? Personally I'd feel like the worst person in the world if I ever did that to a five year old! Honestly I get so irritated with webtoons parents. Read a few chapters but the idiocy of this mother prevented me from reading on

    Risshi48 January 23, 2020 9:40 pm

    "Are the 5-6 years old I know just slow? " I laughed a lot honestly. Chinese webtoons have a tendency to exaggerate things.
    I still read it and everytime I'm thinking the same : cliché, cliché and one more time cliché.