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stop defending karino...

bloomix January 22, 2020 4:20 pm

why are people defending karino by saying azusa used to be an asshole ? yes, he was trash but does this justify him being repeatedly raped and abused ? what kind of logic is that ? i honestly think azusa deserved the humiliation of becoming a target for what he did but the rape is not acceptable and it can't just be shoved under the rug like this but that's clearly what the author is planning to do...

    Butterflyinwinter January 22, 2020 5:02 pm

    You will definitely not like the next chapter

    oyaoyaoya January 22, 2020 5:11 pm
    You will definitely not like the next chapter Butterflyinwinter

    Which chapter? And what happened?

    Butterflyinwinter January 22, 2020 5:23 pm
    Which chapter? And what happened? oyaoyaoya

    I mean she doesn't like Karino and the next chapter is all about Karino and his childhood XD

    oyaoyaoya January 22, 2020 6:19 pm
    I mean she doesn't like Karino and the next chapter is all about Karino and his childhood XD Butterflyinwinter

    ouhhhhh righttttt lmao XD

    BeepBopp January 26, 2020 9:35 am

    Well.... Azusa doesnt seem to give a shit that he was raped. But at this point, Azusa has been enjoying the sex for quite a long time.

    Being a target is pretty much an excuse to have sex without aknowledging any feelings. Thats why when Karino tried to kiss Azusa, it has to be *to harrass* Azusa.

    BeepBopp January 26, 2020 10:42 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Anonynnous

    Did you actually read the rest of my comment? my point was that Azusa is actually hiding behind his role as a target to hide the fact that he likes Karino. And Karino is doing the same thing, he uses his role as king to hide the fact he likes Azusa.

    And yea enjoying sex does mean something. Enjoying sex mean you are enjoying the moment aka its not rape, if you are at a point you are enjoying it, your consent is pretty much confirmed. (Except if you are a child, wasted or drugged) theres a difference between enjoying sex and feeling a sexual pleasure from sex (the latter doesnt mean much concerning the person’s feelings)

    Butterflyinwinter January 26, 2020 11:07 am
    Did you actually read the rest of my comment? my point was that Azusa is actually hiding behind his role as a target to hide the fact that he likes Karino. And Karino is doing the same thing, he uses his role a... BeepBopp

    I don't think these people even read the manga till the end. Fighting with them won't do anything. I agree, they were attracted to each other way before and the only reason karino became the king is so he can have Azusa. They always cover it with excuses.

    Butterflyinwinter January 26, 2020 3:03 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Anonynnous

    It's a manga. It's fiction. And about talking with me ,same goes for you. Go read some fluffy shit if you can't handle this. Caste heaven isn't for everyone.

    BeepBopp January 27, 2020 3:38 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Anonynnous

    It’s not rape because Azusa wants it but wont aknowledge that fact. How do i know? He goes to Karino for sex if he is horny. And he doesnt act in anyway as a rape victim either. You can see the difference with how Azusa acted when someone(the camera dude) tried to set up a gangrape. While Azusa is super aggressive verbally with Karino, thats the only way he can accepts their relationship, as target and king.

    Does it make sense? Not really
    Did i write these braindead characters? Neither

    I mean, you can still call it rape, but fact is, no one is negatively affected by it. Karino is still an asshole for putting Azusa as a target (thats quite dangerous in that school full of perverts/psycho) but the sex part isn’t really a problem for anyone.