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read this when i was younger and liked it but reading this now...OOF. the main heroine has...

icecreamface January 13, 2020 12:08 pm

read this when i was younger and liked it but reading this now...OOF. the main heroine has amazing work abilities but has no self-respect and has a horrible idea of what a healthy relationship should be. ml is a pos majority of the time and uses her body for his needs while treating her like trash. seeing the way old mangas use the "i'm in love with you but am mad at myself for not being able to admit it so i'll just project all this anger on to you and continuously push and pull way while causing you a huge amount of pain" trope as ROMANTIC?? is just cringey.

    Pri February 7, 2020 9:28 pm

    Omg i thought the same thing while rereading this after so many years! The main characters are all trash with no development through the story ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍