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rant time

bibachoro-ok January 11, 2020 4:52 pm

What is with this trend of insecure protagonists thinking they know someone else's feelings better than that person does!?

I've been thinking this for a while and I don't think Ibelina is necessarily stupid, but I think her thought process definitely is, especially in the context of an isekai:

So if it's some random princess who is accepting of him for the first time, then it's "destiny" and "he fell in love with the woman who gave him kindness and warmth", but if it's she who is accepting, he's "just confused because he's attached and comfortable with her"????

Ibelina fulfills the exact conditions the princess did for him to fall in love. Why is it so hard to just accept that you're his new love interest in the story!? And this is an isekai! She KNOWS what it took for him to fall in love with the princess, *why* can't she see that she did the exact same things and that's WHY he loves her??
