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bwenut January 11, 2020 9:53 am

SO i’m the same person who said “more pls!!!” and i ended up reading the LN... so here are some spoilers

our mc in the LN is actually more op. the manga only shows him helping a guy becoming good at soccer, but the other two was defeating all of the delinquents and giving the credit to another guy so he can become boss (aka he’s rlly strong), and him helping the student council president w/ his studies (aka he’s the smartest).

if u didn’t guess, the protagonist (long haired shota looking kid) is actually female lmaoo
she falls for our mc and so do the rest of the harem, making mc literally have what he DOESNT want: a harem and attention.

there’s a whole bunch of other stuff but that’s the main things. if you want to read the LN here’s the link:
