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paine64 January 7, 2020 8:34 pm

Is it just me, or does this feel very incomplete? I feel like I remember other chapters that aren't listed or maybe I'm just going crazy? Like Chi-chan goes to live with her mother but feels lonely because she doesn't want to leave her papa? Am I the only one??

    MargeTheFujoshi January 14, 2020 12:25 am

    I think you’re maybe thinking of this manga. The storyline is very similar (reluctant uke, uke has a kid, kid gets sick, lah dee dah)

    elf January 16, 2020 11:52 am

    Yeah, it is so incomplete. I mean that girl just go with mome, the women who never have time for her?
    What happen after 3 years?

    A. Jennie January 28, 2020 1:39 am
    Yeah, it is so incomplete. I mean that girl just go with mome, the women who never have time for her?What happen after 3 years? elf

    Yeah ikr. I want to know more. This story can be elaborated to few more volumes (=・ω・=)

    butipromiseihavehappypaws January 31, 2020 10:31 pm

    Yeahhhh, thank you.

    butipromiseihavehappypaws January 31, 2020 10:33 pm

    I mean what is up with her relationship with her caretakers? She's way too accepting. I'm pretty sure she's repressing her feelings. It's normal behaviour for adults, but with a kid it really really needs to be addressed.