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bibachoro-ok January 8, 2020 4:28 am

He's scared and pretending he knows what Jensen's thinking so he doesn't have to take a risk - but love is ALWAYS going to be a risk, but the way Niel approached this makes me mad.

I'm super pissed that instead of stopping at "I'm too scared to take that risk, so ask me again if you're 100% sure"

(although tbh can we Ever be 100% sure that we've found the right label and will never experience something new and question it???)

that he then went on to say what he THINKS Jensen is feeling or going through. That's just such a hurtful way to respond to somebody's confession, telling them their feelings aren't real like that! People who do this need to get over themselves and realize that they don't become mindreaders from having a shitty experience in love. In that sense, I agree that they need to revisit that topic when they're rested and sober - but not because Jensen's drunk, but because Niel is being a dumbass and he needs to not walk over other people's feelings like this. Hope Jensen grabs this chance and shows him just how mistaken he was!

    Tae January 7, 2020 5:43 pm


    Soukoku January 7, 2020 6:51 pm

    ‘telling them their feelings aren't real like that! People who do this need to get over themselves and realize that they don't become mindreaders from having a shitty experience in love’ PREACH