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I'm sorry. But to anyone who read this manga looking for a traditional lovey-dovey, sunshi...

ТЯЦТНΘЯḊΔЯЄ April 6, 2014 12:10 pm

I'm sorry. But to anyone who read this manga looking for a traditional lovey-dovey, sunshine and flowers type of thing... you're gonna be disappointed. This story is coarse, raw and twisted. It's tragic... yet fulfilling at the same time. The two lead chars are very messed up in their own ways, and somehow still managed to have each other for support to get this far in life. But if they continue like this, they will surely be the death of each other. For this reason I can see why they needed a third party with them - as strange as that may sound. Someone has to balance them out. And in this setting, that person had to be just as twisted as they are in order to deal with it.

No candy-cane ending here folks. And I love Maki Sadahiro for that!

    LS April 9, 2014 3:49 am

    Hmmm....I just don't think that the third guy is going to balance them at all. If anything, he eggs them on so that they go to extremes. I actually think they were doing ok before they met the third guy. They had a delicate balance and knew how far they could go. But the third guy brought out the jealousy in Miyako which pushed him over the edge. But I guess he was needed to make the plot more interesting.

    anon-chan October 3, 2015 4:23 pm

    dammmn~ i cant agree anymore than this! thats the reason why i love sadahiro-sensei too!
    and @LS: well, they were doing ok.. for now! it was obvious sooner or later -even if the 3rd guy wasnt there- that things would get nasty. it's in the nature of both the seme and the uke.