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I just started reading and read the whole thing within 28 hour at one go (with a 6 hour sl...

Hug Me (๑˃ᴗ˂) January 2, 2020 5:59 pm

I just started reading and read the whole thing within 28 hour at one go (with a 6 hour sleep included)... There're many things I didn't understand, especially politics, dragon-priestess-human rules,,, I often got puzzled to determine which are thoughts and which is actual uttered dialogues and which thoughts and dialogues belonged to whom,,, there're many explanations of events went over my head, some didn't simply made sense,,,, the characters are mostly similar to my eyes, their features such as eyes, hair color, jawline, body measurements looked similar, and the features like haircolor of the same character got changed from one shade to another in different panels which was why I was lost sometimes... Despite all these hinderance I enjoyed the manhwa , it was unique yet no less drama than a soap opera.. I fell in love with some characters, hated some, again pitied them, sympathized with them, cried for others, I wanted them all to be happy.. some hour I was happy, my heart went thumping, some moments were sad, I was crying, I felt melancholy in my heart,, sometimes I was angry and mad,,,, it was such an emotional rollercoaster..
While going through the whole manhwa I remembered Ai No Kusabi, Blood Bank, Finder.. it was a package of comedy and tragedy, one minute it's funny, the next it goes to being all serious..
I really don't know how to express what I am feeling right this moment!
