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Seth deserves better

MhzAshiiBio December 26, 2019 11:36 pm

I’m here crying for Seth, why is it so hard for the ones that actually deserve the love to have it so hard. I honestly don’t think he should be with Sam but life is just unfair. I want to stop reading it but it’s hard cause I wanna know what’s gonna happen to Seth which is the only reason I’m still reading but I know he won’t get this happiness and if they place him with someone else then that’s pure bullshit. I hate the fact that I’m feeling this way over a comic but it’s so damm unfair. *Crying* it’s like having second lead syndrome knowing they should have the lead. Sigh!

    happyggm December 27, 2019 9:50 am

    i feel you. I pushed catching up with the recent update b/c I was scared. The only reason I'm reading this is b/c of Seth

    MhzAshiiBio December 27, 2019 4:11 pm
    i feel you. I pushed catching up with the recent update b/c I was scared. The only reason I'm reading this is b/c of Seth happyggm
