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Let me start by saying, that i really Like this Manga a lot, but i am a bit tired of the c...

Turtleboy December 2, 2019 11:40 am

Let me start by saying, that i really Like this Manga a lot, but i am a bit tired of the constant Drama thats Happening. Please let nanoha and chidori have some Peace and quiet after this Mai ordeal and let me have some Peace and quiet from all the drama. Also, in what world is it normal to think that Mai has still a Chance, If she knows that nanoha and chidori are Dating? Leave them alone. FFS.

    Turtleboy December 2, 2019 4:09 pm

    I fully agree with you, but a little more Peace can't hurt

    SluttySemi December 4, 2019 11:02 pm
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    I get that, but looking it from a different point of view it would look like their relationship would be filled with constant interference and could make someone rethink the relationship. Jealously doesn't make a relationship stronger, if anything it can start an unsteady foundation of distrust.