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Begone THOT!

BlueRaven November 26, 2019 1:19 am

Bruh, glasses dude why you gotta provoke my dude Yulan like that? Glasses-boi, you kinda an assh*le.

Besides the scumbag parents, I actually like the characters, somewhat.

Vio is my girl that is doing her thang, living her life and handling all the bull around her like a BOSS!

Yulan is the best man out here. He supporting our MC and loving her whether it be with him or not; and giving the prince some real T. He is a true treasure.

Maryjun is nice white lotus that adores our MC. Though it's really annoying how ignorant she is, but you know what, she learning. She good.

Prince..... After some DEEP reflection, he's fine. He didn't really do anything wrong but please leave the MC out of your drama and self-rightouss rants. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Glasses-boi... you need to find yourself a sub(missive) or something because you gotta leave my boy Yulan alone.
