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Soti November 24, 2019 12:00 pm

Please, before I continue reading, I would like to ascertain that The Vampire chan and Uke chan did not sleep around and cheat on the other because I cannot stress my heart and mind with cheating characters.

    Soti December 4, 2019 9:44 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! wicketginger

    Lmao! I suspect it's the same with this one so I'm gonna hold off on it until I confirm otherwise.

    JustBeingMyself December 7, 2019 8:31 am

    Just finished reading.
    The main uke did had to service another with his body due to some circumstances.
    The main seme did had to marry another, but dunno if ever touched him. He did had to drink someone else blood, but touching them in that way he does not.
    So it's not really cheating, when they actually don't really realise they love each other until they loose each other. (They aren't officially attached until they really confirmed their feelings of each other for many many chapters later. However it was like a roller coaster, hurting each others feelings, being confused, and only think of obligations.)

    Soti December 7, 2019 9:51 am
    Just finished reading. The main uke did had to service another with his body due to some circumstances.The main seme did had to marry another, but dunno if ever touched him. He did had to drink someone else blo... JustBeingMyself

    Thank you for this clarification. I don't think I can hold off my anger while reading stories like this one.

    JustBeingMyself December 7, 2019 2:18 pm
    Just finished reading. The main uke did had to service another with his body due to some circumstances.The main seme did had to marry another, but dunno if ever touched him. He did had to drink someone else blo... JustBeingMyself

    *correction LOL..: The seme did had to marry a woman, but dunno if ever touched her

    JustBeingMyself December 7, 2019 2:22 pm
    Thank you for this clarification. I don't think I can hold off my anger while reading stories like this one. Soti

    You're welcome. At some parts it get pretty annoying tbh. And it doesn't limit to only the main character. But there are some funny moments too. (And sad moments)
    But if this isn't your cup of tea it's best not to start reading it ^^)/

    Soti December 7, 2019 5:59 pm
    You're welcome. At some parts it get pretty annoying tbh. And it doesn't limit to only the main character. But there are some funny moments too. (And sad moments)But if this isn't your cup of tea it's best not ... JustBeingMyself

    Yeah, like you said, it's a roller coaster of emotions and they both end up hurting each other a lot of times. Stories like this one rubs me off the wrong way. Thanks a lot though. I love stories with lesser plot twists and characters who stick to one partner through thick and thin.