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Seriously guys?

Mini November 21, 2019 3:49 am

I honestly find it really gross and detestable that some people believe Jin Yeong (the friend) deserves rape and all the things Sid is doing to JY for having some selfish thoughts about his love. Those ppl imo are no better than Sid. Like who are you to judge JY with those kind of logic? Talk about being hypocritical. They seem to forget we,as readers, are inside of his head and thus all darkest thoughts that are hidden deep inside are laid bare to us. I honestly find him really human for being secretly glad Kyung Joon’s GF is gone leaving KJ alone. It doesn’t make him a saint but it doesn’t make him any less human. Love makes people selfish. The things that separate a good person or bad person is whether they act on those selfish thoughts or not.
