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SPOILERS Did Seungho ask Nakyum to paint that moment between them? Or he didn’...

Cookies November 16, 2019 11:21 am


Did Seungho ask Nakyum to paint that moment between them? Or he didn’t ask and when he saw the painting got delusional thinking Nakyum liked/had the hots for him and that’s why he went for it and got surprised and angry at Nemyum’s rejection?
Or did he ask for the painting and when he saw it got super horny anyway and tied Nakyum up because... he knew Nakyum would try to escape because he doesn’t like him? Why does he seem so surprised then at whatever Nakyum tearfully says to him? Maybe because he thought all this time Nakyum remembered the sex between them and was surprised and angry that not only Nakyum didn’t remember before, but when he did was so disgusted he hit Seungho?
Or did Seungho think that he’d make Nakyum remember and somehow he’d be accepted anyway because he’s crazily entitled? Or did he always perceive Nakyum’s dislike and expected to be rejected, and was only surprised due to being hit?

Sooo curious to know what Nakyum tearfully said to him. Whatever it was, really hit something in Seungho by his expression. I think it’s the first time I’ve seen he so surprised and upset at something. We’ve seen his cold angry face before, when he seems to laugh a lot of times or show a psychotic expression. His face at the panel after whatever Nakyum says angry and in tears is the most... hurt, I guess, I’ve ever seen him.

    Guest November 16, 2019 12:06 pm

    For those curious, according to the Chinese translation

    Nakyum remembered what happened that night and said that he though it was the teacher and not Seungho

    Junna November 16, 2019 3:17 pm

    I did my own Korean translation. na-Kyum says that those words-' I like you' or 'I want you' is meant for In-jun, not for Seungho. It was like Na-Kyum gave him another blow after punching Seungho's face.

    Our egoistical lord got pissed and smashed our poor baby's face to the ground.