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My review.

Adeedas November 11, 2019 5:23 pm

Honestly? Really disappointing as a storyline. So, Sooho went through all this planning and hell to end up running away to Merry's island? And Merry goes back to fishing? Robin's death is just completely overlooked and disrespectfully handled? No satisfactory ending with the mother?

Also, within 157 chapters, you don't feel attachment for anyone except for superficial appreciation of Merry and Sooho's "cute" "relationship. And that doesn't do justice to the characters.

Imo, unique art style and lots of fluff can only make up for so much poor storywriting. If you just enjoy sexual chemistry between two cliche character profiles within a poorly written dramatic setting, this series might be for you. 4/10

    Ishucaken November 11, 2019 5:45 pm

    I have to agree.. I only continue reading this because of the art. And kinda interested in dori and chef's relationship.. But damn.. The ending is just like that.. But we cannot complain.. We read it for free anyway