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spoiler / crappy summary of the extras

Kiyotake November 3, 2019 11:40 pm

i google translated poorly the extras

extra 1) shows a flashback of them in school, they have a relay race and ayame is participating and he grabs shuu who thinks he's scary and ayame says to him it can only be you!!! flashforward to the present and they are on their way home and it's raining. shuu asks ayame in the taxi why ayame picked him (i don't know what he's asking he picked him for - maybe for the race? maybe for a work project?) and ayame gives him a disappointing response i think and shuu is sulking and they flashback to the past again and for the relay race ayame's instructions (he has to pick an instruction and complete it to complete the race) is to finish the race with the one he loves. so he grabs shuu and his thoughts are something like "it can only be you" or maybe "it's always only been you"

extra 2) they talk about pheromones in the start of the chapter - i think ayame is going on a business trip to do research on pheromones, probably on how to control them. he goes to korea for 2 weeks and comes back with the spicy noodles shuu asked him for (and there is a super cute panel of his return - shuu is a little anxious because ayame is late and wonders if he's still drinking with colleagues - ayame comes home and shuu goes over and huggles him and ayame carries him like a koala). shuu tells the noodles i've been waiting for you these last two weeks!!! kid ayame asks if shuu was waiting for him or the noodles and shuu says i was waiting for you senpai! ayame walks away and shuu goes and backhugs him and tells him please pay attention to me, i was waiting for you, i felt so lonely without you. i think ayame says something like how should i pay attention to you... and they have sexy time. shuu begs during sexy time i think for ayame to fill him up to make up for the two weeks they haven't seen each other and says a buuuunch of mushy stuff and ayame simply says "yes" and there's maybe some more text in a few more cuts from shuu showing kaede/kikyo and shuu/ayame hugging to end the chapter
