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wtf was this? Not even a month yet and all this deep emotion? Or did I miss a time lapse...

Judo March 6, 2014 6:00 am

wtf was this? Not even a month yet and all this deep emotion? Or did I miss a time lapse somewhere?

It's boring and stopped having any logic. I just can't finish. Also, Tachibana's character is a joke. Just thrown in to give Kaname some life but that failed because he's still such a pussy.


    ///>.</// March 29, 2014 4:50 am


    An O&#039; Nymous June 6, 2014 10:32 pm

    Don't be so cruel. Maybe it's a bit rushed, okay, but it's Drama. It's a common kind of story in this genre. I personally loved it, and it was the only manga where I didn't hate the incest. I know that I'm being such a big nuisance, but give this story a second chance... Maybe you'll like it, at the very end?