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Can Someone Help Me Edit My Story?

~Deku~ owo October 30, 2019 2:34 am

Hello! I'm in need of assistance in this story! It's meant to be a scary story or creepypasta as you may know. This is an assignment given by my instructor (teacher) for Halloween! I just want to make this story very scary! This is my first time writing a horror story, so please bear with the cringy story!

Please, mail me on my profile and I will send the story to you!

Thank you and I hope I'm not bothering you!
- ~Deku~ owo ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    WowImScared~ October 30, 2019 5:09 am

    I can help you! (⌒▽⌒)
    Although, a bit of a weird place to be asking for help, lol
    I'm pretty good at editing, and I can give you some tips if you want those, too.