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Things I can think of happening as soon as Nakyun wakes up from the events of chapter 21, ...

Cookies October 25, 2019 4:40 pm

Things I can think of happening as soon as Nakyun wakes up from the events of chapter 21, if he really passed out after sex:

(completely disregarding here the new chapter 22 raw that I didn’t understand much about)

A) Nakyun doesn’t remember anything from last night and goes on thinking he’s still a virgin and everything was “just a dream”. Even if Seungho cleaned him up, I think this one would be hard to happen seeing that Nakyun would be feeling some obvious discomfort down there and would know something was wrong. Still might be possible if he’s in strong denial.

B) Nakyun really thinks he slept with his teacher and goes happily see him. The teacher would break the truth to Nakyun in a disgusted and angry way.

C) Nakyun knows he slept with Sangho and feels so sad and ashamed he decides to run away or tries to commit suicide.

D) Nakyun knows he slept with Sangho and Sangho uses that to prevent him from running away or doing anything rash, with the treat of telling the teacher everything they did and what Nakyun said. I think that’s the most probable one, and it can also be something that happens after option A (it’d be something like: Nakyun thinks it was a dream and is in denial but Sangho breaks the truth to him and threatens him).

    SeekingSanity October 25, 2019 4:43 pm

    I can't buy that he doesn't know something happened down there. Unless he thinks sex dreams get that vivid or he woke up and was like, "Hm... it feels like an eggplant was shoved up there. Odd."

    It looks like he believes it was the teacher, but thinks the teacher is angry at him now for "seducing" the teacher.

    Lanila xx October 25, 2019 4:47 pm

    Hmmm.. how about A) but then Seungho told him and he remembers it, hes so surprise then D)

    BeepBopp October 25, 2019 5:07 pm

    You dont necessarily feels something after anal sex(atleast, not after sleeping).... yaoi makes it seems you cant walk and feel it for days but that ain’t true.

    dinos123 October 25, 2019 5:42 pm

    I think its between option A and B. The painter seems upset because his teacher keeps ignoring him. Nakyum didn't look scared or angry when Seungho helped him, so he probably doesn't know the truth.

    Chrystclean October 26, 2019 12:01 am

    Or Na-CUTE is just too intoxicated by the alcohol that he just thought of it as one of his sex dreams with In-Hun. He wouldn't tell the pain of being fucked down there since he would feel numb from the alcohol. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    1evis1ittlea$$hole October 26, 2019 6:55 am
    You dont necessarily feels something after anal sex(atleast, not after sleeping).... yaoi makes it seems you cant walk and feel it for days but that ain’t true. BeepBopp

    Your asshole must be powerful

    SeekingSanity October 26, 2019 6:55 am
    Or Na-CUTE is just too intoxicated by the alcohol that he just thought of it as one of his sex dreams with In-Hun. He wouldn't tell the pain of being fucked down there since he would feel numb from the alcohol.... Chrystclean

    Painter wakes up the next day, hungover and thinking, "That was one helluva sex dream. I feel like I really was f***ed multiple times, in multiple positions for hours. Oh well! Just those young hormones!"

    BeepBopp October 26, 2019 2:12 pm
    Your asshole must be powerful 1evis1ittlea$$hole

    I’m pretty sure its the normal thing though.