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What's one weird, okay, or wow moment that happen to you ?

Thatperson October 24, 2019 3:43 am

For me one night I woke up sat up and at that moment my nose started to bleed

    Yaoi4life October 24, 2019 4:12 am

    I was home alone and went into my bedroom but for some strange reason I started hearing music playing. And I checked if anything was playing on my phone but it was nothing. I tapped my ear and then it stopped.

    Bat-4750 October 24, 2019 5:44 am

    I woke up and couldn't feel my hands and arms and i was convinced that my arms were paralyzed but then got out of panic mode and realized it was because I was sleeping on my arm and my blood circulation stopped.

    MogBog October 24, 2019 10:18 am

    I woke up thinking that I was drowning. I was gagging & gasping for air before I realised that I was in bed. The weird thing is that my nose stung like seawater had been in it. Can’t say it was a pleasant experience but it sure was weird.

    Yaoi4life October 24, 2019 11:33 am
    I woke up thinking that I was drowning. I was gagging & gasping for air before I realised that I was in bed. The weird thing is that my nose stung like seawater had been in it. Can’t say it was a pleasant... MogBog

    Power of imagination or maybe someone actually tried to drown you.